A Zip disc is like a more recent version of the floppy disk, the main difference being that a single Zip disc can hold up to 250 Mbytes of data. They also offer increased speed compared to the old floppy disk.
Hard (Fixed) Disk
Hard disks are the main, large data storage area within your computer. Hard disks are used to store your operating system, your application programs (i.e. your word processor, games etc) and your data. They are much faster than CD-ROMs and floppy disks and can also hold much more data.
The Monitor
An Output device. The monitor is the TV type screen that you view your programs on. They are supplied in different sizes, common sizes range from 15" to 21" screens. You should be aware that poor quality or badly maintained monitors could harm your eyesight
Additional items or cards
Many 'extra' components can easily be fitted to your computer, which has the advantage of making the computer 'upgradeable' as newer and better hardware comes along.
Sound cards and speakers
Many computers are now supplied with sound cards and speakers that mean that when you run 'multi-media' programs, you can listen to sounds that are played back via your computer. If you have a microphone and suitable software, you can also record sounds. You can even purchase special software that will allow you to talk to your computer and get the computer to type the words you have spoken on your screen. In time, this type of software may replace the keyboard.